PP-RMI-NU, WMM Goes to Pesantren: Pesantren and Spirit of Entrepeneurship

Seeing a successful entrepreneur often encourages people to think about going into business for themselves. But, just as they are about to start, most of them get cold feet over the risks they are likely to face. As a result, these would-be businesspeople never even get past the first hurdle.

This was what happened to Asmuni (24), a student of the Qamarul Huda Bagu School of Islamic Theology (STIA) in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Brought up from an early age in a pesantren environment, Asmuni never had the courage to start his own business, afraid of the risks he would have to face. "I wanted to start a business, but I was always too afraid. Yes, the fear of running out of capital, not selling anything, the fear of failure, and other fears besides," Asmuni admitted to SINDO daily.

The same thing was experienced by Nuraini (19) from the Hadil Islah Bilebante Pesantren in Central Lombok. "I had no idea about how to start up my own business. I had the desire, but it was really difficult to do. Every time I wanted to start a business, I always faced so many problems. This is what made me have doubts. If I was only at the startup stage and already had so many problems, what else would be lying in store for me?" she explained.

It is quite normal for people to be seized with fear when starting out on their own in business. The fear of failure often overshadows a person’s desire to become a successful entrepreneur. This is recognized by well-known Indonesian businessman Aunur Rofiq.

"In order for someone to be brave enough to take the plunge into the world of entrepreneurship, they require a lot of motivation. Actually, what makes most people powerless is their own minds. Therefore, a strong entrepreneurial spirit needs to be inculcated in people so as to give them the courage to act," explained Aunur during a one-day Mandiri Young Entrepreneur (WMM) Goes to Pesantren workshop at the Qamarul Huda Bagu Pesantren in Central Lombok on Friday (30/11).

The event, titled "Innovation for a Self-Reliant Indonesia – Building Entrepreneurship through Pesantren," featured four speakers -- national businessman Aunur Rofiq, firm director Ipang Wahid, 2007 WMM winner Saptuari Sugiharto and 2011 WMM finalist, Abdul Azis.

The speakers all agreed that success is not just a matter of luck, but is rather the result of hard work and faith in Allah. "Do not ever be afraid. Because anyone who is serious can succeed. In addition to developing an entrepreneurial spirit, we also have to get used to dreaming, having faith and perseverance and putting in an extraordinary effort," said Ipang Wahid.

Similarly, Saptuari Sugiharto commented: "The requirements for becoming a successful entrepreneur are the courage to take risks, being extra patient, and maintaining and nurturing one’s business so that it can grow. To be successful, the key is to cultivate the habit of positive thinking as this is very important in fostering an entrepreneurial spirit," said Saptuari.

Environmental Development Fund Assistance 
During the workshop, which was also attended by Bank Mandiri Director of Finance & Strategy Pahala N. Mansury; the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs’ Deputy Minister for Human Resource Development, Prakoso BS; the NTB Provincial Government Secretary, H. Muhammad Nur Huda, and the Head of the Qamarul Huda Bagu Pesantren , TGH LM Turmuzi, the students were provided with materials on entrepreneurial opportunities in line with the resources available locally.

The workshop was attended by some 510 students from the Qamarul Huda Bagu Pesantren and others in the area. Most of the students said they were intrigued after listening to the speakers relate their experiences in business and their tips for successful entrepreneurship.

Besides organizing the workshop, Bank Mandiri also handed over Rp 775 million in Environmental Development Fund assistance to boarding schools in Lombok. Grants were awarded to 25 pesantren, each of which received Rp 25 million for the procurement of computers. Meanwhile, the Qamarul Huda Bagu Pesantren, the host of the WMM Goes to Boarding School workshop, received assistance worth Rp 100 million for the construction of classrooms.

Bank Mandiri Director of Finance & Strategy Pahala N. Mansury said that besides being a vehicle for the propagation of Islam and the regeneration of the clergy, pesantren should also serve as centers for the economic empowerment of surrounding communities. "Through this entrepreneurial workshop, we hope that pesantren students will be able to improve their skills and develop a sense of business that will help create potential young entrepreneurs," commented Pahala.

The Head of the Qamarul Huda Bagu Pesantren , TGH LM Turmuzi, said he was very happy with the entrepreneurial training and financial assistance that had been provided by Bank Mandiri to pesantren students in Lombok. "This is the first time entrepreneurship training has been provided to pesantren students in Lombok. I would like to thank Bank Mandiri for its concern for the development of pesantren and their students in Lombok," he said.

TGH LM Turmuzi also expressed the hope that the concern shown by Bank Mandiri would encourage students to become young entrepreneurs characterized by a high level of morals and virtue. "Hopefully, entrepreneurs will one day emerge in Lombok who have the spirit of pesantren students," he added.

The one=day workshop at the Qamarul Huda Bagu Pesantren was part of a series of WMM Goes To Pesantren activities being conducted by Bank Mandiri in collaboration with the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)’s Rabithah Ma'ahid Islamiyah (RMI), which is the association that brings together NU pesantren from around the country.

Previously, WMM Goes to Pesantren workshops were held in a number of other parts of Indonesia, including in Pasuruan, Magelang, Palembang, Martapura, and Tasikmalaya. During the workshop in Tasikmalaya, Bank Mandiri presented entertainer Anang Hermansyah, businessman Aunur Rofiq and 2011 WMM winners M. Bijaksana Junerosano and Indari Mastuti to share their experiences and provide tips on entrepreneurship. A total of 500 students from 152 pesantren in Tasikmalaya benefitted from the entrepreneurship workshop, which was held at the Miftahul Huda Pesantren in Tasikmalaya, West Java.

Source : Seputar Indonesia Newspaper/csr.mandiri
Repost: Pengurus Pusat Rabithah Ma'ahid Islamiyah Nahdlatul Ulama 


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