Educational Concept of Ta'lim al-Muta'alim

"Ta'limul Muta'alim" is a small book I khatamkan-usually within six or seven days in the month Romadlon, with the tempo of reading about one hour each day, the summary Shaykh Az-Zarnuji, who are not familiar with Islamic tradition, would hurl criticism sharply against him. Thinks the book is full of controversy, containing the sadistic terror to the seeker of knowledge, generating irrational cults and so forth, not the other "Ta'limul Muta'alim" it but the book still continues to be read in any salaf pesantren. 
Before it moved to uncover a little content, the ins and outs and the relevance of the book of TMT, I want first to uncover a secret that usually only be stored only in the hearts of the chaplain. That secret is essentially the essence of the book of the TMT. Here: 
The successful person gets gift of science''and muntafa Nafi 'BiH is because it involves the three most dominant factors, namely: First, Fadhol from God, because it was taught by him (alladzi' Allama qolam bil. 'Allamal insaana maa lam ya'lam .) To obtain this fadhol, one should pray or dido'akan. Prayer should be earnest and with sincerity. It should not be arbitrarily and were offered with an impressive not so require wushulnya prayer, by way of example, in addition to praying the sinner too, made no effort to avoid the prohibition of which is prohibited. Anna yustajaabuu Fa lah. 

Second, study earnestly, diligently study the Koran and, keen to repeat and muthola'ah. A maqolah often called hadith affirm "Man tholaba syaian wajadda wajada qoroal baba wa wa man lajja walaja". Anyone looking for something and mean it, he'll get it. And whoever knocked on the door and he mengamping, he entered the (house). Implicit in the word of God which is usually for people mendalili Muslims should not hesitate to plunge in the fight: "Walladzina jaahaduu fiinaa lanahdiyannahum subulanaa", suggests that this happened. Third, Menyadong pertularan (or what it's called) from the teacher when referring to a slogan "atthob'u saroq" disposition, character, characters that steal, then the proximity of a person with another person that is necessarily lead to transmission refers to the Sunnah of Allah, he is the weak will be infected more strong. Pupils will be infected from the teacher. 

In reality, how much Nafi 'and muntafa' bihnya knowledge obtained by Tholib depends on how big the levels of these three factors was attempted, diayahi and produce. There is one more factor that the TMT is also hinted at as one because someone managed to get the science and the latter is done by parents Tholib. For parents who respond to a polite Tholib to scientific experts, to whom Tholib "ngangsu science", their children or grandchildren will undoubtedly become the pious. Indeed, there is no proof that confirm the analysis. But my father empirically (almaghfurlah KH. Bisri Musthofa) feel it. Science is the science of God who get recommended (not to say required) through the chain (back) is clear. Both sya fawiyyan and ijaziyyan. In order for the benefits of science are ritualistic get legalizing. Because the benefit is the principle that underlies the seriousness tholibil 'ilmi. 

Tholabu ilmillah, seek knowledge of God clearly obligatory. Seeking knowledge of al-mandatory (fardhu) 'ain and the rest required (fardhu) kifayah. Thus the search for knowledge, tholabul ilmi are acts of worship. From the founding of this ilmi tholabil keibadahan I approached the book "Ta'limul Muta'alim". 

Systematic Ta'limul Muta'alim 
Small Book which consists of thirteen chapters, the half of it is public, talking about how should the people as living beings living life. 

As is often the small book that weighs the scientific, the early chapters try to give limits on anything related to the content of the book. About science, keutaman-preferment, its parts and the way it should untu produce science. Because the search of knowledge is worship, which faridhotun ilmi tholabul intention it should not be abandoned. Of course conducted Tholib to get the reward in addition is also intended to trigger and drive the spirit of search, intercept habituation, keep koinsistensi, led the successful and other ritualistic purposes. From this should be approached so that the content of the book TMT unpleasant allegations of TMT avoided. Doing this ilmi tholabil intention parsed in chapter two, anniyah fi haalit ta'allumi. 

In the third chapter expressed the need for selective in choosing science, teacher and friend consulted before plunging into the arena ta'allum. In this chapter show the necessity to maintain continued interest ta'allum, consistency, and steadfast in earnest toward science is learned and experienced. Because it is science learned, the teacher who taught, and friends with him mandalami science, it selectively chooses earlier. 

The next chapter that makes expert knowledge of the present as if the fire beard, is on duty ta'dhim against science itself and science experts. 
The sixth chapter is about how science should be looking to do. He should be earnest and disciplined. Earnestness that sustains above the lofty ideals. 

Start (starting) plunge, estimating ability and orderly manner in accordance with the conditions of self-learning and scientific affairs which are the subject of chapter seven diterjuni. 
Resignation, when should tholibul ilmi, trying to produce, friendly and loyal to the ideals, not spend time and istifadah (taking notes either in writing or mind), Waro '(keep food and deeds are forbidden to eat or do not) , what makes people easy to memorize and easy to make people easily forget and the last is about the practice and literature that makes the perpetrator tercurahi rizqi God. That all is the eighth to thirteenth article. 

The underlying principle of benefit keibadahan tholabil 'ilmi as an approach. In the early streak-streak, I argued that science Nafi 'that muntafa' BiH is a gift from God that "allamal insaana ya maa lam 'lam'. Benefits and order obtained by the people who benefit from the knowledge that, not only in this world, but also akhiratnya. Therefore, to produce useful knowledge, not only require a role of the seeker of science itself. The role of God and the role of intermediary teachers where people succeed mandapatkan science, not at all be separated. The things (read: a'mal) involving Allah SWT. By His permission, His blessings, we call it worship. 

Worship as other deeds, no beginning, the process and finally. Each require a on compliance rules that have been set so it does not in vain and lawful existence. Moreover, acts of worship are called tholabil ilmi ranked above qiyamil Lail and fasting Sunnah, why? Yes, because science is what led a man of honor and the noble side of God through piety, "Inna akromakum 'indallohi atqaakum". Science is wasilah to piety and piety is wasilah noble 'indallah. Noble 'indalloh certainly noble' nda siwahu kholqihi min. Knowledge that could be washilah to the piety that is what can be called a science Nafi 'wa muntafa' BiH (beneficial science). 

Departing from here, it is probably not an exaggeration when we first have to be able to place the position of science in such a way that ghoyatun Nafi 'and intifa' can be achieved by Tholib. And at the same place he was acting ta'dhim of what and who he expects will give maximum benefit to themselves, the world and the hereafter. Although he is philosophical ta'd'him was forced to determine classification. Depending on who he should apply ta'dhim. 

It basically is the nature bathini inner nature, and therefore not transparent. The interface can be some form pursuant to the state. Mu'adhdhim circumstances and mu'adhdhom itself, both the background and so on. 

Views ta'dhim are many different formats, of course, should not be out of bounds-fair-worthy. Because it ta'dhim for Tholib is fairness, something that is worth doing to which he felt should menta'dhimkannya. And a claim to articulate the scientific tholibul he chose ta'dhim view, he did with sincerity and heartfelt. Not later trapped into a form that we often hear as mudahanah or mujahalah sheer. Lamis and licks, artificial and meaningless. 

For that Tholib must be clever and careful choice of what science is best he should seek. In accordance with their interests and talents. Even when he is not justified bergurupun indiscriminate and random. Options ang determined it would be pushed to the seriousness ta'dhim. By TMT was prepared with sincerity ta'dhimil ilmi not touch the book that contains the content of science, except in the holy state of hadats. Before he muthola'ah, Koran or repeating a lesson, ablution first. Because science and ablution nur nur realize the self. Do not put the book parallel, even below the buttocks. And so on. Medium science that should be selected by the klasifikasial Tholib is just what he hajatkan urgent for religious affairs, which are required to guide future happiness (even ahead of that is when it will have to face kholiqnya) and dihajatkan to arrange his life the world hereafter. 

In the case Tholib selecting teachers, if any, select which collects wisdom yang kealimannya dimasyhurkan as reliable (al a'lam) are khuluqi, manage daily life in such a way that is not affected by social stigma, away from the rebellion and immorality and maintain muru'ah ( al-Auro ') and that have more value in the maturation of science and charity as well as older age than the clergy (priest), other (al-asann). This is probably intended for self Tholib stuck on stability studied. Thus, without doubt, be ta'dhim Tholib condensed to his teacher. By TMT, exemplified by not talking if not didangu not shift the seat before the teacher moved from its place, not too close nor too far from the teacher, when didangu not acting that causes disturbed teachers. Comply with all orders regardless of its form. 

And so on. Ta'dhim this goes to the family of the teacher. In short do not make the teacher depressed (between brackets) are morally ta'dhim to teachers, conducted by Tholib to get perkenannya. Is not gurupun must give to the nature of love and heartfelt as well? Is not it wasilah pemberin to obtain and menghantarkannya to "raf'ad darojat"? 
By TMT teachers equated with the doctor (thobib). If he is not respected, he will not give the best that is required of students or patients, even though he (pretend to) review it and write prescriptions. Completing hujjah TMT is an expression, namely: "Maa washola washola illa man wat bilhurmati ta'dhim, wa maa saqotho man wat ta'dhim bitarkilhurmati saqotho illa." 

Doing a careful choice of science and the teacher intended for Tholib not leave science and his teacher, before he was declared finished in the act. Because science and teachers leave before the time stated completion is deserted and it was very painful. Thus the hard science he has mastered useful. Selecting a colleague is a which should not be ignored by Tholib. Partners must match, who are willing and able to be invited rembugan, deliberation, have a certain character commendable. In short he must serekan that kebaikaannya can you steal. Because "at thob'u saroqo", tempering it must steal, have impact and influence the behavior and valuation. 

Layaqoh Ma'hudah 
To address the science, teachers and colleagues who as mentioned above, to assume the attitude a la TMT ta'dhim excessive or not, to say the TMT attitudes are relevant or not to do with today's education system depends on where the actual person (as Tholib) place themselves in position and what role, according to the assumption Tholib, teachers' influence on "the formation of self." How much do teachers benefit Tholib life. To what extent is the range Tholib why did he equip himself with the science of it. 

Perhaps I can say that the substance of education (the language of his book at-tarbiyah from "Madhi" robba which means "dispatch in the morning" or "unfold since the beginning", since grown to plants and since the growth period for the sons of men) are working on child mental humans by nature adalalah clean white paper like she could be written, painted, stripped, painted or whatever it even torn. Ditarbiyah can thus be proposed to mean: "tughda tunsau wa kama hiya wa makhluqotun bihi bighoiri taghyiri thawili majraha, let go and move to grow in accordance with nature without having familiarized with the proper groove of the guide and give examples of desirable and provide beautiful color- beauty in accordance with the capabilities possessed by him yng educated. So ingrained in him haiah rosikhoh tashduru Halil min af 'aal. 

Target education thus is the soul. Life is more sensitive terhdap taste 
obviously not real. Greatness of soul is not nyemumuk kecahayaan like this does not radiate. But the greatness and kecahayaan it can be felt. Forming greatness and kecahayaan it can be effective if the device is also a sense of closeness. Sense of closeness between teachers and the braided rope Tholib with God and the rope will establish the success of this Rohmah tarbiyah charity. Tarbiyah directed to the devotion. Allaah 'nature. 
We understand fully that: work on something that depends on what worked. Throughout the cultivation has not changed, the pattern and format of the claim does not need to be changed kefitrahan human. Basically not been changed, so the relevance of concepts that have been agreed upon as an ideal, effective, and promising to work on the human soul, yet worthy question. If in fact there is a change profile, kemencegan look and air of style variation due to the influence of food and the environment, living adjust ways of handling it. 

At-Talkhis Al Mudawwan 
1. Looking for Science should be with the intention of eliminating ignorance to reach further pleasure of Allah. 
2. Seeking to jump kelubuk education, means devoting everything to yourself to get the maximum benefit. 
3. Science that would be obtained should form the wasilah headed to piety, which of course would raise the degree of glorious sight of Allah. 
4. Science is the light, grace and gift of God, which is to achieve, among others, through the mediation of teachers. Even without a teacher is to read, according to the concept of the Quran should be with in the name of God. 
5. Science makes people noble and honorable, and devote maximum benefits, it is in place to dita'dhimkan. Is the translation of great gratitude and deep appreciation. 
6. Menta'dhimkan teacher as gratitude People of scientific postscript is in place, sangaat worthy and commendable. And is meant menta'dhimkan science itself. 
7. Menta'dhimkan should mean also not make the related feeling depressed from any direction, directly or indirectly. 
8. Ta'dhim not ta'abbud. But could have been sold ta'dhim that running the command syari '. Running the command means also ta'abbud. 
9. Looking for science with the concept of TMT make Tholib conscious and sincere position. 

At-Talkhis Al-Mu'abbar 
Perhaps because of Az-Zarnuji see it with a glass eye educational pattern, although emphiris can be proven, then set forth seemed excessive. If I do not worry su'ul called adab, I would say that the TMT is a frame of reference or summary of the findings of scientific experience and yet disusus ahlil like the concept. 

But qualitatively have an effective weight as a guide to creating an ideal educational world that is still very likely be applied at any time. Therefore, I ventured to assume the contents of the book of TMT is still very relevant to be applied to today's educational world, as long as the format has not changed. 

About protégé relationship educator, student teacher, chaplain students, giving the benefit of beneficiaries, and so on, is fair and meets the guidance of the teachings and guidance keorangan if the rope tied on the basis of closeness that terbuhul conscious philosophy for their respective positions. And it must be maintained kelanggegnannya for batini surveillance can be conducted continuously. 
Permanence of the relationship between the two poles can only be achieved with a white sincerity. 
Chronology of selected Az-Zarnuji to drain his idea, I think it has met or iltizam tadhomun muthobaqoh aspects. And that's the correct result pendilalahan of pronunciation: at-tarbiyah. 
During the period of time all aspects of life has shifted seperati today and before the enactment indrustrialisasi era, I think the concept is the content of TMT, should be supported to be socialized and developed adapatatif. By involving the experts of certain disciplines and additional values. Because I can only say: to form the next generation of educated more pious to Allah SWT. There are currently no guidelines other than the book especially TA'LIMUL MUTA'ALIM. 

written by: KH. Kholis Bisri
Rembang, H. 1414 Shofarul Khoir 
Quoted from the paper that he gave at the Pondok Pesantren Al-Hamidiyyah Jakarta.


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