Islam Builds Civilizations Of Superior Society

Islam Builds Civilizations Of Superior Society [1] By: Drs. Miftah Faqih , MA [2] The presence of a religion is to release its followers from deviation and adversity (liyukhrij al-nas min dhulumat ila al-al-nur) [1] as a result of irregularities. Therefore the basis of religion is wisdom and benefit for human in both this world and in the hereafter. And the content is justice, compassion, welfare, and wisdom. Thus, every decision that comes out of the justice and deviated toward tyranny, of affection toward the opposite, from benefit to the damage, and from wisdom and wisdom toward arbitrariness, not part of the shariah (religious) [2] , whatever reason is. From here, it is known that the presence of a religion is to man in order to perform its functions. Drs. Miftah Faqih, MA Man is the servant and the Caliph at once. The function of a servant is tasbih and taqdis (praising and sanctifying) as manifestation of worship. All it does is because of...